Remedial massage in the Macedon Ranges
Be smart & balance your body and mind with massage

Andrew Williams
Remedial Massage Therapist

B Sc (Monash University)
Dip Rem Mass (Victoria University)
Member Massage & Myotherapy Australia

October 2022
After 16 years of rewarding and successful practice, over 13 years of those at the Gisborne Chiropractic Clinic, and 14 years at (what is now-named) PerformanceOne at Kyneton, I have decided to retire from my remedial massage practice. It’s been a difficult decision to reach, as I still love what I do in my job, a huge part of which is the personal connections I’ve made with my clients and colleagues over the years. However, a set of personal circumstances, among which is a wrist injury, has brought forward the decision. The injury, the first work-related injury I’ve sustained in all my years of practice (thanks in no small part to excellent and sage advice in my training all those years ago), does not mean stopping practice altogether, but for the time being, it’s necessary to stop for an extended period to give the injury the best chance of permanent recovery.
My last day at Kyneton will be Saturday 22nd October, and in Gisborne Saturday 12th November. At the time of writing, all appointments are fully booked up to this date.
To all my clients, I say thankyou for your business, wide-ranging (often hilarious) conversations, friendships, loyalty, and of course the opportunity to iron out all those tight and sore spots, through many years. I wish you all the best in health and happiness. Stay safe and go well everyone.
Best regards and cheers – Andrew